Prefo CCR AP/rEvo: prefo to decide to start CCR

Purchase rebreather.... we know dozens of people who hesitate for years to buy a rebreatherand then regret not having done so earlier!

  • Yes, it is a budget of several thousand euros, so yes, it is better to be sure of yourself
  • What is the best rebreather: yes, it is better to choose a reputable and proven rebreather.
  • You have to choose your model before training: yes with the Aquadomia CCR prefabYou will be (pre)trained on two market-proven machines and save time and money on your purchase!

The purchase of your first rebreather Scuba Diving Yes revEvo is not an easy task and, as with any major investment, you want to make sure you get it right the first time so you don't spend the money twice.

You've researched the different rebreather models (or units) available, you've read all the myths and misconceptions about rebreathers, and you may have read heated debates on forums discussing why this or that rebreatheris supposedly the best.

You are now at a crossroads. You're ready to make a decision and place your order, but you can't decide which rebreatheris best for you.

Below is a list of useful suggestions on what to consider and what questions to ask when buying a rebreather.

All of this is important to ensure that you get the best possible support with your new equipment and to avoid minor problems leading to a lot of frustration and time out of the water.

Purchase rebreather: what quality of service does the manufacturer provide?

Buying a rebreatheris like starting a new relationship... you want to establish a line of communication and mutual support. Here are some questions to ask: Does the manufacturer respond to calls or emails in a timely manner? How quickly can they send you parts? Is there a distributor or service centre in your area? Do they send out updates to the electronics software and inform instructors or divers of updates?

Purchase rebreather: annual maintenance expenses rebreather

As mentioned above, buying a rebreatheris a big investment, but it is important to understand that the expenses are not over after your initial purchase. You will have annual expenses ranging from €300 to €800 for cells, poppet valves and maintenance that you cannot ignore. You currently have to maintain your open circuit diving equipment, which should not be a new concept; however, the annual cost associated with maintenance can potentially increase with a rebreather.

Unfortunately, the diving community has seen divers ignore annual maintenance and parts replacement for financial reasons. In most cases, we have become aware of this situation following an accident or incident reporting expired cells, faulty mushroom valves and other negligence, due to diver error or complacency. It is extremely important that annual maintenance is within your means and that you are not tempted to skip these mandatory services because of financial constraints.

Assembly, preparation, rinsing and dismantling process of the rebreather

The process of building and repairing a rebreathercan vary greatly depending on the unit. I can dive or teach on several rebreathers that take less than 10 minutes to assemble from start to finish while others take 30-45 minutes or more. The assembly and disassembly process is extremely important, you can't rush it or skip the steps on your checklist. To put it bluntly, you are installing survival equipment in an environment that you cannot survive without it. For the rebreatherwhich takes nearly an hour to set up, you may find yourself setting it up the night before a day's diving, then doing additional checks that morning to streamline the process. On the other hand, with a rebreatherthat takes less time to set up, you may find yourself setting up the unit from start to finish on the day of your dive.

You need to take a close and honest look at your personal diving habits and practices, and see which preparation process best suits your personality. If you don't tend to pay attention to detail or don't see yourself spending extra time preparing for a dive, the question may not be which rebreatherto choose, but rather whether a rebreatheris right for you.

Basic field repairs

Will you be able to carry out basic repairs in the field if something happens to your rebreather? For example, are the cells on rebreathereasily accessible for replacement? Can you replace the mushroom valves without tools? Are leaks in the loop easy to identify and repair?

If not, will you have to send your unit, or parts of your unit, back to the manufacturer for simple repairs? If so, where are they located and how long will you be out of the water? Some divers may be willing to stay out of the water for a few weeks for simple repairs in exchange for other features of the unit, while others may be very upset.

Purchase rebreather: size, trim and weight distribution

La taille, l’habillage et la répartition du poids sont des facteurs qui sont souvent peu ou pas ajustables. Cela signifie que vous devrez peut-être vivre avec ce que vous avez. Il est extrêmement important que vous choisissiez un appareil qui vous convienne, qui soit confortable à porter (en particulier la boucle respiratoire), facile à respirer et qui soit bien ajusté. Dans le passé, j’ai présenté à des plongeurs expérimentés en recycleur un nouvel appareil et ils m’ont dit : “Wow, je ne savais pas qu’un recycleur pouvait être aussi bien ajusté ou respirer aussi bien !”. On se demande alors comment ils se sont sentis pendant tout le temps passé sur leur premier recycleur.

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