Mise à jour février 2023

Télécharger ici les documents et informations relatives à notre démarche qualité formation professionnelle continue. Documents ré-actualisés en bas de page.

Information documents on our training courses, how and when to access them, results obtained

Complete training courses, accessible on the dates of your choice, with a success rate close to 100%.

Information documents on our admission methods

Information documents on our methods of reception, accompaniment and evaluation

Information documents on the development of the skills of our trainers

Information documents on our interactions with the professional world and the consideration of disability

Information documents on our continuous improvement process

1. Quality PLAN for continuing vocational training activities AQUADOMIA.com

1.0. General

1.0.1. Planning/Organization

Description: Training Planning according to the requirements and needs of the trainees and deadlines for acceptance.

As a registered Training provider 93131277613, our planning takes place in the following way:
– Information of the trainees of the nature of our quality plan, with knowledge of the professional project writing documents, as well as our Rules of procedure setting out the training modalities, the obligations, the representation and That the possible sanctions,
– Communication of the modalities and programme of training through the Convention,
-Advance information of trainees via summons and reception booklet
– Information of the trainees on the nature and use of the information requested, which only have the purpose of appreciating its ability to follow the training action.

1.0.2. Implementation

In 2016, 3 continuing vocational training activities were carried out for an amount of 10 000 euros, evening 9% of total turnover. These training actions in which the trainees were sponsors focused on a UNAGECIF-funded dive instructor training, a OWSI dive instructor training funded by job pole, a training course XXX _ xxx_406181080 funded by Job division.

Issuance of Intern Booklet and respect for our Rules of Procedure.

Evidence: example of an agreement ConventionTYPE

1.1. Criterion 1 – precise Identification of the objectives of the training and its adaptation to the trained public

1.1.1. Planning/Organisation

Analysis of the candidate's professional project for program development.

Background: In the first contacts, a CV submission from the candidate is requested as well as a pro project writing (according to the grid presented in the heading. Attached positioning test).
Objectives: To adapt the training to the needs of the candidate, to estimate the relevance of his project in terms of his current skills and motivations.
Audience: We only select candidates with a minimum qualification, i.e. having already at least an advanced certification.
Planning, Budget, place of training, desired duration of the action: Our flexible operation allows us to easily adapt the planning according to the needs and availability of the trainees in continuous training, in Marseille, over the duration necessary for his Unfolding may be divided into several parts as long as the latter take place on a minimum of one week of training evening 5 days.
The adaptation of the training device is evaluated by evaluation questionnaire.

Evidence: Needs analysis using the expressed training wishes form FicheBesoinFormation and analysis of the drafting of the professional project according to the attached guide for the elaboration of the professional project: Guideelaborationprojetpro

1.1.2. Realization

Construction of a training program adapted according to the analysis of the candidate's pro project and his skills assessed during a face to face and in situation or more rarely telephone interview. During the training, it is evaluated by the trainee via questionnaire.

Evidence: Example of an agreement: ConventionTYPE

1.2. Criterion 2 – Adaptation of the reception, pedagogical monitoring and evaluation of trainee audiences

1.2.1. Planning/Organisation

Logistic planning and reservation of suitable technical means with the use of partner structures such as Dune Marseille with 2 classrooms, 3 boats
Host Process:
1 – The trainee receives his agreement with the descriptive programme, the objectives and means of evaluation,
2-The trainee shall receive his notice and his host Livet and the description of the means used
3-During his training the trainee is evaluated by multiple choice
4-The trainee is invited to communicate his evaluation of the training via questionnaire

Evidence: Use of partner structures like Dune Marseille with 2 classrooms, 3 boats

1.2.2. Implementation

Suite à la mise en place des conventions de partenariat nécessaires pour avoir les moyens matériels nécessaires à la formation, celle-ci est organisée conformément aux programmes personnalisés pré-conçus. Les évaluations des stagiaires ont lieu aux étapes clés par examen sous forme QCM.
The presence sheets are filled daily twice a day with the trainer
The evaluation of training by trainees is carried out by the satisfaction documents delivered by hand and on line.
En fin de formation, des bilans de formation sont réalisés et des attestations produites, les différents organisations FFESSM, ANMP, SSI, TDI délivrant les diplômes et cartes afférents aux formations délivrées.

Evidence: Use of large-capacity partner structures such as Dune Marseille with 2 classrooms, 3 boats

1.3. Criterion 3 – The adequacy of the pedagogical, technical and coaching means to the training offer

1.3.1. Planning/Organization

Set up by Vincent in coordination with potential partners, use of online media

Evidence set up by Vincent Defosse in coordination with prospective partners

1.3.2. Implementation

Description Training Planning-e-Learning online course
Evidence: Type planning and e-learning online courses

Description Training Planning- E-Learning Online courses

Evidence: sample schedule and E-Learning Online courses

1.4. Criterion 4 – Professional qualification and continuing training of personnel in charge of training

1.4.1. Planning/Organisation

Constant training of the training staff, with details of the educational wishes expressed

Evidence: expressed training wishes form FicheBesoinFormation

1.4.2. Implementation

Description setting up the necessary training

Evidence: Vincent Défossez's record of continuing education https://www.aquadomia.com/formations-continues-suivies-vincent-defossez/

1.5. Criterion 5 – The conditions for public information on the training offer, its access times and the results obtained

1.5.1. Planning/Organization

The communication of the training offer is put on line on the website www.aquadomia.com and communication to the candidates during the interviews of selection as well as during the exchanges of emails of the constitution of the file.

Evidence: see the page results of the evaluations of continuing education 

1.5.2. Realization

Regular updating of the website on the quality Plan part of professional training, use of the standard documents.see the page results of the evaluations of continuing education 

1.6. Criterion 6 – Taking into account the assessments of the trainees

1.6.1. Planning/Organization

Description Questionnaire of satisfaction in the middle and end of training

Evidence Questionnaire Questionnaire_evaluation

Online survey: Click here

1.6.2. Implementation

Face to face and online survey at the end of training

Evidence Questionnaire Questionnaire_evaluation

Online survey: Click here

1.7. Checks carried out

Presence control and verification of the assets
Preuves : coaching par Vincent Défossez et Bruno Scheerlinck en présentiel, évaluation régulière par questionnaire de connaissance

Preuves : coaching par Vincent Défossez et Bruno Scheerlinck en présentiel, évaluation régulière par Knowledge Questionnaire, example for the N3

1.8. Continuous improvement

  • Improvement Actions to be undertaken: Better collect the requests for improvement that the trainees could express, plan collective sessions with fixed sessions.
  • Strengths to be emphasized: adapting training to the requirements, capacities and planning of trainees applicants
  • Lors d’éventuels problèmes lors de la formation, le stagiaire nous contacte par courriel, courrier ou téléphone le plus tôt possible de façon à ce que nous puissions adapter la conduite à tenir dans les 72 heures ouvrées.

1.9. General Conclusion

The quality plan demonstrates a high level of training quality that could still progress through the planning of fixed-date sessions and enhanced theory support, and through better collection of suggestions for improvements by trainees.


Premiers documents mis en place pour le process Qualiopi

Pedagogical modalities Aquadomia.com

Aquadomia.com Training Repository

Alleged training Aquadomia.com

Aquadomia.com material means

Aquadomia.com Human Resources

Evaluation Aquadomia

Procedure Admission

Booklet Home Intern Aquadomia.com

Aquadomia.com Presence Sheet

Assessment of trainee evaluations 2017

Documents mis à jour 2023 :

Taux d’obtention V2022 programme_programme_formation_crossover_ssi23 programme_preformation_bp_jeps23 programme_prefo_scaphandrier23-1 programme_formation_scaphandrier_classe2b Evaluation des formations ANODIA-AQUADOMIA ProgrammePréfoscaphlight23 ProgrammeMonitorat12slight23 Modalites23 TauxObtentions23 BilanformationPro2021 CGVFormationPRO23 Positionnement23 MethodoEvaluation23 GestionAbsences23 PlanDeveloppementCompetences23 InteractionsProfessionnelles23 AccessibiliteReseauHandicap23 AméliorationContinue23 Livret-accueil-stagiaire-AQUADOMIA.com_2023 Fichebesoinformation23 Conventiontype23 ModalitesPedagogiques23 AllegementFormation23 Moyens-Humains-AQUADOMIA2023 ProcedureAdmission23 Feuillepresence23 Evaluation-Aquadomia2021 ProgrammeMonitorat12slight23 ProgrammePréfoscaphlight23

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