Trimix CCR Advanced hypoxic training 2 at 5/01/2017

An excellent trimix CCR challenge to start the year. This trimix CCR training allows you to learn how to operate your rebreather80 inspiration beyond the 70 meters. Planning, choice of trimix gases, forecasting of leases out and emergency and survived procedures, parameterization of decompression... A rewarding training that will allow you to reach New Horizons.

CCR trimix


The course TDI Advanced Trimix CCR  Provides the necessary training for the safe and suitable use of helium-containing breathing gases for dives requiring step-decompression using nitrox and/or oxygen (O2) mixtures during decompression at a depth Maximum of 100 metres. The objective of this course is to train divers to the advantages, dangers and appropriate procedures of using personalized oxygen/helium/nitrogen mixtures as respiratory gases. This course is a very demanding program and requires the diver to master all the basic skill sets. Advanced planning and execution as well as detailed dive procedures are covered in the Advanced CCr program Trimix.


Here are some of the exercises in the program: demonstrating a good awareness of the partners and other members of the team through diving practices focused on communication, proximity and the team
Demonstrate buoyancy control Be able to hover in a fixed position in the water column without having to move the hands or feet
Correctly perform a recovery of a system failure and conclude the dive and decompression on the open-circuit gases transported
Perform correct recovery from system failure and conclude diving and decompression with unit in manual mode
Gas stops and gas loss, correct choice and switching to outboard gases
Broken pipes, disaster scenarios
Flooded lime
Cell errors
SCR (minimum 10 minutes)
Mode rebreather oxygen in depths less than 6 meters/20 feet
Manual control of the CCR unit for a complete dive including all decompression stops
Demonstrate the management skill of 3 salvage bottles, including fall and recovery while maintaining position in the water column
Demonstrate an appropriate understanding and implementation of the team's assistance procedures and carry out team assistance of a depth of more than 40 metres
Demonstrate team capacity to connect and share outboard gas, including team sharing and exchange
On 2 of the dives, disassemble a climb with reel and parachute and carry out the stepped decompression
Correct dive performance in all predetermined dive limits
Ability to manage multiple failures under adverse conditions

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