PE60 diving training. Scuba diving courses in Marseille

CnidAnthoHexa-Gerardia savaglia-PlanierTombant-42m-31-07-04- PE60 diving training

PE60 diving training - Supervised diver 60 meters:

PE60 diving course: learn to dive to 60 meters!

A PE60 diver training essential to dive deep and access the 60 meter zone!


With this diving training accessible from level 2 diver or PE40you will learn the techniques and behaviours necessary to allow you to access the 60-metre deep space with a diving instructor!

During your PE60 dive training of a minimum of 3 days, your diving courses Anmp or Ffessm will teach you, in a continuous training course in Marseille, the essential skills to dive in these extreme areas.

PE60 Diving Training Program :

  • Appropriate and comply with the instructions of the Diving Supervisor (DP),
  • To be interested in the profile of the training course: experience, equipment and expectations of each member,
  • Plan your immersion and respect the instructor's instructions during the different phases of the dive (descent, bottom, ascent),
  • Be familiar with the use of diving equipment specific to this area (vest, decompression tools,...),
  • Know how to react in the event of unforeseen circumstances.


Knowledge/Know-how/Know how to be Criteria for implementation Techniques/Comments/Limitations
Equip yourself with individual equipment. Selects equipment appropriate to the diving conditions and nature of the dive, including ballasting. Technique(s): Putting/removing the suit, ballasting.
Set of N2 achievements to be improved: automation, systematization of verifications, absence of omissions or errors in execution.
Manage/degraft a block assembly - stabilization vest - regulator. Error-free assembly of the equipment. Makes the necessary adjustments.
Test, check the operation of the equipment. Checks that it is working properly. Report any malfunction to the GP or a person in charge. Check the amount of air available. Controls and adapts its ballast if necessary. Extension of the range of known equipment: various regulators and their possible adjustment wheels, various stabilization vests, decompression tools, etc....
Maintain the equipment. Rinse the equipment with the usual precautions. Knows how to decontaminate a regulator. Store the equipment in good conditions (drying, folding, shocks, etc...)
Embark on a diving support ship. Wears the equipment safely for himself and his family and friends. Store equipment in the intended locations or in a manner that does not interfere. Technique(s): dry capeling/stripping.


Knowledge/Know-how/Know how to be Criteria for implementation Techniques/Comments/Limitations
Get into the water, get back on a diving support ship. Commissioning and checking the operation of its equipment before launching. Uses a technique adapted to the media configuration and diving conditions. If necessary, launch the block/jacket assembly without risk of loss and equip itself on the surface. If necessary, remove the block/vest assembly from the surface and pass it to the surface support. Prevents incidents during this phase: equipment holding, ear balancing, prior inflation of the vest if necessary, etc.... Technique(s): Right jump, backward tilt, ladder down/up.
Immerse yourself. Uses an immersion technique adapted to the context (equipment, GP instruction, diving conditions, etc.). Prevents incidents during this phase: equipment holding (according to technique), ear balancing, etc.... Techniques: duck, seal; Valsalva, BTV.
Move on the surface and in immersion. Uses a swimming technique adapted to the context (equipment, diving or surface conditions, etc...). Technique(s): ventral, dorsal flipping.
A maximum distance of about 50 m must be possible.
Ventilate on the surface and in immersion. Uses a snorkel or regulator as required (diving phases, surface movements and sea state). Does not block exhalation during ascent. Technique(s): mouthpiece/tube, emptying the tuba; release/restart of mouthpiece; expiration at ascent.
The automatic use of the regulator even on the surface rather than the snorkel when the sea state requires it is an important point.
Remove water from the immersed mask. Maintains normal airway ventilation (nasal) in contact with water (dissociation). Performs immediate apnea if necessary. Drain the water from the mask by introducing air through the nose. Technique(s): Oral-nasal dissociation, mask emptying.
This aspect of "integration into the environment" provides comfort and safety for the diver. The dissociation of ventilation and the elimination of water must ultimately be carried out spontaneously and without stress.
Balance on the surface and at any depth, dynamically and statically. Inflates or purges a stabilization vest to adjust buoyancy as needed in immersion. Uses the influence of ventilation (lung-ballast) in adjusting buoyancy. Techniques: lung-ballast, lifting fins, vest balancing.
The balancing must be careful, in particular to avoid any abnormal stress and to carry out any bearings under good conditions.
Adjust its ventilation to the depth. Can be broken down at a rate and amplitude adapted to the depth. Maintains normal ventilation in all situations. Ventilation control must be acquired gradually.
Control the rate of descent and ascent. Combines a flipper remaining motor, but for minimal effort, with a progressive inflation or purging of the vest to compensate for the loss or increase in buoyancy. On the way down, it reaches the bottom almost balanced. Technique(s): Checking the vest during the descent/lift.
Anticipation of the search for balance during the descent and anticipation of an excessive speed increase during the ascent.


Knowledge/Know-how/Know how to be Criteria for implementation Techniques/Comments/Limitations
Understand and respect the GP's instructions. Applies the set evolution conditions without error: launch, descent, depth of evolution, safety instructions, air quantity management, etc. Ask the GP if there is any doubt about the understanding. Technique(s): signs of communication.
Sensitization of the PE60 diver on his responsible behavior within the palanquery.
Monitor your air supply. Regularly monitors the evolution of the block pressure. Inform the GP when the defined values (half pressure, x bar, reserve, etc...) are reached. Monitoring the air stock is imperative.
Position yourself according to the situations and conditions. Applies the GP's evolution instructions. Regularly checks the situation of the GP, team members and stays in touch. It is positioned in the GP's field of vision if the GP intervenes to help a diver. It is essential to respect the maximum depth materialized by the position of the GP. Behaviour in an "observer" situation must be improved.


Knowledge/Know-how/Know how to be Criteria for implementation Techniques/Comments/Limitations
Know the risks of the activity and their prevention. Cites for him the measures to prevent common incidents as well as the main safety procedures to be applied (prevention of major incidents, rules of evolution, rule in case of loss of the palanquery, etc....). Acquired N2 to be improved, particularly in relation to the risk of narcosis.
Ask for and receive the help of the GP or, if not, that of a team member. Requests assistance from the GP or, failing that, (remote GP) from the nearest crew member as soon as necessary. Provides buoyancy if possible. Applies the actions to be carried out (depending on the incident) that are his sole responsibility. Adopts behaviour consistent with the intervention performed by the PM. Manages his stabilization vest (buoyancy) during the ascent if possible. Technique(s): communication signs; breathing on emergency pressure regulator, two-person breathing on a mouthpiece (simulation).
Behaviors acquired at N2 to be transferred to the new evolution depth.
Apply safety procedures. Complies with GP instructions (depth, distance and position, etc.). Goes up at normal speed towards the surface in case of loss of the palanquery, makes any stops by signaling (parachute) and makes an overview in the 3 m zone. Provides surface buoyancy, signals to the surface support and waits for GP or surface support to be handled. Technique(s): Checking the vest on the way up; overview; balancing with the vest on the surface.
Compliance with the rules is essential for safe diving.
Identify and manage a team member in difficulty while waiting for the GP to intervene. Unambiguously interprets the conventional sign of a crew member indicating a difficulty (air failure, shortness of breath, cold, fatigue...). Acts as soon as a sign or behaviour requiring intervention is observed. For any intervention, avoid as much as possible (full water, unbalanced diver, etc...) the increase in depth. Carry out actions adapted to the situation while waiting for the GP:
- Provides an air source in case of air failure (all exchanges are done in simulation).
- Ceases all effort in case of shortness of breath.
- Provides appropriate help in other cases (cramp, discomfort, pain, unconsciousness, narcosis, etc.).
Technique(s): communication signs; breathing on emergency pressure regulator, two-person breathing on a mouthpiece (simulation). Air failure, shortness of breath, cold, cramping, fatigue, etc... The behaviour to be adopted when a diver is an observer of the GP or a crew member while taking charge of another must be improved: be ready to provide assistance without disturbing, follow the palanquin in its ascent and put himself in the field of vision of the GP or the diver providing assistance, etc...


Knowledge/Know-how/Know how to be Criteria for implementation Techniques/Comments/Limitations
Evolve by limiting its impact on the environment. Avoids any contact with fauna and flora: controls its buoyancy and flipping, ensures that hoses and accessories are properly fixed. Avoid exhaling under the overhangs. Limits the use of artificial lighting. Avoids noise pollution. Does not feed. Does not harass animals. The aim is not to damage the living environment by direct or indirect contact (bubbles) and not to disturb wildlife.
Develop your observation skills. Avoid sudden gestures. Avoid stirring the bottom. Approach wildlife discreetly. After the dive, collects information from the GP about his observations. The aim is to develop behaviour conducive to animal observation.
Be familiar with the International Charter for Responsible Divers. Applies the actions and attitudes described in the charter. The aim is to raise the diver's awareness of the environmental consequences of waste production and the consumption of natural resources, such as endangered species or fresh water, and to develop responsible behaviour.
Discover and learn to recognize the main species encountered. Describes and names the most commonly encountered animals (during training). This is above all information that the GP delivers at the end of the dive, using submersible pads for example.
The objective is to:
- To raise awareness of the diversity of the underwater living world and the different environments (notion of biodiversity).
- Know that substrates support living beings and what this implies in terms of fragility and dangers.


Knowledge/Know-how/Know how to be Criteria for implementation Techniques/Comments/Limitations
Roles, assembly, checks, routine maintenance, hygiene rules and possible regulation of the diver's personal equipment. Equips and assembles his equipment without error. Correctly adjusts the equipment, tests its operation (regulators, vest). Identifies and reports malfunctions and equipment that are out of order. The approach must remain pragmatic and "user-oriented".
Regulations relating to the activity. Cites the various elements mentioned in the following column without error and in an exhaustive way Privileges related to PE60 certification. Documents necessary for diving practice. Role and interest of the logbook and diving passport. The federal framework.
Decompression procedures. Knows and applies normal decompression procedures (computer - tables) and during abnormal ascents. Can set up his computer. The approach must remain pragmatic, "user-oriented" and limited to dives that can be carried out within the framework of its prerogatives. Planning and conservatism mode.
Business risks, preventive measures and good practices. Has simple physics skills. Can calculate an available amount of air and determine the parameters of a dive. Identifies the main risks and knows how to explain the preventive measures to be implemented by him/her. Remain at notions of physics corresponding to a PE60 practice.
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